Call for Abstracts
"Clean Water Strategies at the Heart of it All"

The Mega-Conference is a combined effort between the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA), the National Association of Wastewater Technicians (NAWT), the State Onsite Regulators Association (SORA), and the host state affiliate, Ohio Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA). The Mega-Conference is the largest event of its kind and offers decentralized wastewater professionals the highest quality education and training available. The 2025 event will be held October 19-22 at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center, Sandusky, Ohio. Sessions will be held October 20 and 21 with optional field trips on October 22.

Paper, Presentation, and Poster Options
Your abstract must fit into one of these categories:

EducationPolicy/RegulationService Provider
InspectionSafetySoil Evaluation
InstallationSeptage DisposalTechnology
Management/MaintenanceTechnical/Artificial Intelligence (AI)Research

Please consider writing a paper to serve as long-term documentation of the conference and important contributions to the onsite industry. Papers may also be included in NOWRA’s Onsite Journal.

  • Oral research-based presentations: These may be related to new technologies, monitoring, extension/outreach education, field assessment, or any topic that is related to onsite wastewater treatment. A presentation could come with or without a paper. (paper submission highly encouraged)
  • Oral non-research related presentations: These presentations could be about any onsite wastewater treatment-related topic including installation, maintenance, science about onsite wastewater treatment, maintenance, AI, safety, septage disposal, environmental impacts, and related topics. Presentations must be clearly non-sales oriented. A presentation could come with or without a paper.
  • Poster presentations: These presentations could be on a research or non-research related topic about onsite wastewater treatment and recycling. The posters will be displayed during the conference in a prominent location.
  • Emerging Professionals: A poster and oral presentation contest for Emerging Professionals will once again be held as part of the conference.

Paper and Presentation Review
All presentation slides and papers (if being submitted) will be included in the Conference Proceedings, must comply with formatting requirements, and will be reviewed by the NOWRA Education and Technical Practices Committees. Each presentation and poster must include the following disclaimer:

"The statements made by the speaker either verbally or written are the opinion of the author(s) and do not reflect those of NOWRA or the conference sponsors."

Important Dates

  • March 31, 2025: Abstract submittals are due. Beginning Feb. 3, abstracts can be submitted to this Mega-Conference Abstract Portal.
  • June 9, 2025: Authors will be notified of the Education Committee's selection and provided with instructions regarding paper, presentation, and/or poster criteria and format.
  • August 11, 2025: Draft paper manuscripts due for review by the NOWRA Education Committee.
  • August 18, 2025: Draft presentations due for review by the NOWRA Education Committee.
  • September 2, 2025: Comments and/or edited papers returned to the author. If re-review is required, they will be due on September 15, 2025.
  • September 2, 2025: Presenters must be registered for the conference and are responsible for covering their own registration and travel expenses. Failure to do so may result in removal from the agenda.
  • September 22, 2025: Final papers and presentations must be submitted in electronic format to be included in the proceedings and conference. If the paper and/or presentation is not received by this date, the topic and speaker may be removed from the agenda.

Instructions about the Abstract
The abstract can have a MAXIMUM of 250 words and should include the following:

  • A sentence or two to introduce the topic and briefly state why it is important.
  • The objective(s) of the presentation/research.
  • Approximately three sentences describing methods or what has been done.
  • Highlighted results and then end with a final statement.
  • The presentation should NOT be a sales pitch but can be a product use presentation.

Presentation Slots
Each presentation will be allocated either 25 or 50 minutes. When submitting an abstract, you will be asked:

  • Identify the Category that bests fits your submission.
  • What time slot you request (25 min or 50 min) and whether you would be willing to increase or decrease if needed to accommodate conference scheduling
  • To identify yourself as an Emerging Professional.
  • Will you be submitting a paper for the proceedings?

Abstract Submittal Requirements
When submitting your Abstract, you will be required to submit the following information regarding your presentation:

  • Title of Presentation/Paper
  • Abstract Category: Education, Inspection, Installation, Management/Maintenance, Policy/Regulation, Technical/AI, Safety, Septage Disposal, Soil Evaluation, Service Provider, and/or Technical
  • Presentation Format: Presentation with a paper, presentation without a paper, or poster
  • Brief Abstract: 250-word maximum description of the proposed paper and presentation
  • Author: Name of lead author and presenter including email and affiliation.
  • Emerging Professional: Is the author an emerging professional?
  • List of Keywords: Must include 3-4 keywords to describe the presentation.
  • Target Audience: Will this presentation be better suited for Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, or ALL practitioners?
  • Speaker Bio: A short bio of the lead presenter (250-word maximum) in paragraph form which includes education and relevant onsite/decentralized industry experience.
  • Completion of Data: Will all the data needed for your presentation/paper be complete and available at the time of presentation/paper submission?

Questions about a Topic or Conference?
Please discuss questions about the applicability of topics for the conference with Education Committee Chair, Gary Hawkins, by email at

For questions about the conference in general please contact NOWRA's Executive Director, Tom Groves, by email at:

You can download a copy of this Call For Abstracts here: DOWNLOAD.

Conference Website:

To submit an abstract for the 2025 Mega-Conference,
please use the following link to submit your abstract(s) by March 31, 2025:

Click Here

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to seeing you in Sandusky, Ohio in October 2025!

All presenters MUST be registered for the conference and are responsible for covering their own registration and travel expenses to attend the conference.

© 2025 NOWRA